Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Activity Five: Density

Run the Build an Atom simulation http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/build-an-atom and build a neutral lithium atom and a neutral boron atom. Take a picture, or a screen shot, of these two atoms and place them on your blog. List the number of protons, neutrons and electrons for each. Also look up and post the density for each of the elements on your blog.


 Neutral Lithium

 # of Protons: 5

 # of Neutrons: 4

 # of Electrons: 5

 Density of Lithium: 0.512 g·cm−3




 Neutral Boron

# of Protons: 3

# of Neutrons: 4

# of Electrons: 3

Density of Lithium: 2.08 g·cm−3



Define density and the equation for density and post on your blog.

-The state or quality of being dense; compactness; closely set or crowded condition.
Density may refer to how closely "packed" or "crowded" the material appears to be. 
Density is defined in a qualitative manner as the measure of the relative "heaviness" of objects with a constant volume.

The formula for density is Density Formula


Run the Density simulation http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/density and complete one(your choice) of the prepared Teaching Ideas and post your results on your blog. The activity you choose should be one of the student intended activities

Density Phet assignment

Follow this link to find the density simulation on the Phet website: http://phet.colorado.edu/sims/density-and-buoyancy/density_en.html

A. When you see the wooden block, grab it with your mouse and put it in the water. Note that you can manipulate the block by pushing them underwater

Wooden block:

Mass= _2.0 kg_ Volume = _5.0 L Density:_0.40 kg/L

How much of the block is under the water? _Slightly less than half

Manipulate blocks , use different materials, in the custom setting to find out the following

  1. Is there a relationship between the volume of water displaced and the total volume of the block that has anything to do with density? If so, what is it? _I noticed that the more any object is underneath the water, the more the water rises.

  2. When objects float , they displace an amount of water equal to their: _Mass

  3. When objects sink, they displace an amount of water equal to their: _Volume

  4. What is the density of water?_102.00 L__

  5. How do you think this activity would change if the objects were placed in a denser liquid like Mercury? _I believe that the density of the liquid would not fluctuate as much. Where as now in the experiment, the water when submersed with any type of object changes so much. 

Complete the Mystery Blocks activity on the Density simulation. Post on your blog the data you collected (mass, volume, and density) and the identification of the material and the known density.

Mass (kg).
Volume (L).
Density (kg/L).
Known density.
65.14 kg.
3.38 L.
19.27 kg/L.
19.3 kg/L.
0.64 kg.
0.64 L.
1.00 kg/L.
1.00 kg/L.
4.08 kg.
4.08 L.
1.00 kg/L.
1.00 kg/L.
3.10 kg.
3.10 L.
1.00 kg/L.
1.00 kg/L.
3.53 kg.
1.00 L.
3.53 kg/L.
3.53 kg/L.

Identify and post on your blog the Science Standards that could be met through these activities completed in Activity 5

D.4.2 Group and/or classify objects and substances based on the properties of earth materials
C.4.3 Use science content being learned to ask questions, plan investigations, make observations, make predictions, and offer explanations
C.4.3 Use science content being learned to ask questions, plan investigations, make observations, make predictions, and offer explanations
C.4.8 Ask additional questions that might help focus or further an investigation








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