Monday, January 13, 2014

Activity Two: Atom and Atomic Structure


         Carbon Model

          Helium Model

        Oxygen Model



1.) What is the atomic number for each of your models?

      >Carbon 6
      >Helium 2
      >Oxygen 8

2.) What is the atomic mass number for each of your models?

      >Carbon 12.011
      >Helium 4.00260
      >Oxygen 15.994

3.) In your models, which two subatomic particles are equal in number?

     The protons and electrons.

4.) How would you make an isotope for one of your models? What would change with the model?

     In order to have an isotope, you much have the same atomic number,
     but have different mass numbers.  In other words, the same number of
     protons, but different number of neutrons.

5.) Considering the overall volume of your element models, what makes up most of the volume of an atom?

      When looking at my models, the nucleus is a very large part of the
      model. However the volume is mostly filled with open space.

6.) For one of your models, show with another image what happens when energy excited an electron

     This is a model of helium, with the energy exciting an electron....

7.) Once the electron is excited, what do we typically observe when the electron returns to the ground state?
      When going back to a ground state the element will release the
      energy absorbed, and then return to the neutral again.

8.) What are some elements different colors when they are excited?

      When the element is introduced to flame, the electrons are in a high
      energy state. When they come back down to a stable state energy is
      released in the form of light. The color shown depends on the amount of energy released.

      The different colors of the light shown are caused by the different
      quantities of electrons losing energy in different elements.

9.) With the fourth of July coming up quickly, explain how the colors of the fireworks arise?

      Like I also said before, it depends a lot on how much heat the electrons
      are introduced too, that will show different colors. The elements all react
      different to heat, therefore creating different fireworks for the spectators
      to enjoy. The metal salts in a firework burn better.

10.) Explain the overall organizational structure of the periodic table
       The periodic table is organized into rows and columns,
       and also groups and periods. It is placed according to the
       elements atomic mass.

11.) List two example elements for each of these groups or classes:
       >Alkali Metals

       >Alkaline Earth


       >Noble Gases

       >Transition Metals



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